Friday Drumming Circle

The Urban Aboriginal Ministry  holds a drum circle every Friday at 12:00 PM.

It is my pleasure to offer up this reflection of the UAM Drumming Circle, as requested by

Steven Seegerts.


I have found the UAM Drumming Circle to be a wonderful pathway to prayer and reconciliation.  As a non-Indigenous person, it is a privilege to have the opportunity to enter into this Sacred Circle; to experience the peace of the Great Spirit through the use of Cree symbols and ceremonies.


The UAM Drumming Circle is held on Fridays, from noon to 2:00 pm, at St Mary Magdalene’s church.  Due to popular demand, Steven will also host additional Circles (as of Feb 10th): Fridays, beginning at 6:00 pm.  Sessions are well attended with over a dozen participants. Everyone is welcome!  A light, complimentary meal is served after each Circle’s conclusion.


Steven Seegerts sets the tone and leads the Circle.  He is a natural teacher and healer. 

As we are smudged we are given the opportunity to share our gratitude; to lay down any personal burdens.  Steven then offers a teaching related to Indigenous healing. This is followed by the Circle’s Drumming of prayer songs.  


For me the Circle has been a channel for personal growth and healing.  In fact, I felt so called to participate that I sought my Chaplain’s approval to change my VGH Spiritual Care schedule to accommodate!

I’ve also noticed an interest in the Circle amongst the Inter-faith Spiritual Care Practitioners at VGH; a compliment to Steven’s leadership and a desire to learn about Indigenous Spirituality. 


Thanks to Steven’s teachings I have gained a greater understanding, and respect, of the sacredness of Indigenous Spirituality and drumming.  I believe this is helping me to be more sensitive to the spiritual needs of my Indigenous patients; and, a better Spiritual Care Practitioner. 


Yours in Christ


The Reverend (Deacon) Juanita Clark