Elder Wisdom

Open Smudge Ceremony

Prayer September 22, 2020

We acknowledge with gratitude that we gather on the territory of the tsleilweytuth, Squamish and tsawwasswn people for the health and well being, for the common good of all our relations, the two-legged, the four-legged, those that creep, those that swim, those that fly. Creator of all that is good we thank you for the gifts you send us from the four sacred directions.

We thank you for the gift of the first rays of the sun in the early morning. We thank you for your gift that you sent us in your son, Jesus Christ, and through whom the light comes into our darkness, a light no darkness can overcome. We thank you for the gift of generosity and abundance sent through Mother Earth. We thank you for the gift of the drum, teaching us how to unite in our hearts, unite to ourselves, to each other, to Mother Earth and to the heart of the universe, uniting us all in your heart Great Spirit. We thank you for the gifts of the four winds, the changing seasons.

We thank you for the lessons we learn in the changing seasons of our lives, lessons that help us to grow in compassion and understanding for ourselves and for each other. We thank you for the water of our bodies and the water of this earth. We thank you for the cleansing power of water, the reminder that we are always striving to be in balance and united with you.

Help us to grow in the wisdom of your sacred circle through the many sacred circles you present to us in our daily lives. Help us to walk humbly on the back of Mother Earth always keeping in our minds the gentleness if the sweat grass. In the sacred teaching of humility we acknowledge that we are pitiful, like an infant without its mother, and that we need you in every way in every day. Guide us in your teachers as we walk the road towards community and health. Amen

Reverend Vivian Seegers

Prayer at Toronto Urban Native Ministry Nov 8th 2020