Care And Share

Diocese of New Westminster


The Diocese of New Westminster is promoting a care+share Advent 2019 Campaign. For more information please watch the video and download the October 28, 2019 letter from Archbishop Skelton and Reverend Vivian Seegers distributed to clergy and lay parish leaders of the diocese.

For more information about care+share and the Advent 2019 Campaign please follow this link to view an extended version of the film.

Synod 2019

One of the business decisions made during the 119th Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster May 24 and 25, 2019 was the passing of Resolution #6 which reads:

RESOLUTION NO. 6 Mover: The Standing Committee on Mission and Ministry Development. Second: Not required. THAT the Standing Committee on Mission and Ministry Development recommends to Synod that the Urban Aboriginal Ministry be the care+share recipient from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021.

The Resolution passed with an overwhelming majority. Urban Aboriginal Ministry (led by gathering priest, the Reverend Vivian Seegers at St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church in the VGH neighbourhood of Vancouver) will be receiving the care+share funding beginning January 1, 2020.

ABOUT care+share

As part of the mission and ministry of the Diocese of New Westminster our shared diocesan outreach program care+share was established following a resolution at Synod 2011. The ministries included in care+share have submitted proposals to the Mission and Ministry Development Committee (MMD), and once their proposals have been approved by that body a resolution is presented to Synod and Synod votes on whether or not to accept the recommended ministries as care+share recipients for a two year period.

Ministries included in care+share do not receive “funding”, instead they receive voluntary contributions made by parishes and individual Anglicans, sent to the Diocesan Office which forwards funds several times a year to the care+share ministry groups.

Donations given by individuals and parishes to care+share go 100 per cent to the groups we support. The overhead for fundraising and administration for care+share is included in the regular Diocesan Budget, and not taken from donations.

Donations may be directed to both ministries or to individual societies in any combination or amount. You may give to care+share via your parish stewardship program or as an individual. Together we as a diocese decide which ministries to support with voluntary dollars so please prayerfully consider your support of care+share and give generously.

To give please CONTACT: Rachel Taylor